Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Tulsa got a blizzard overnight.  14 inches - enough to close the office for the day - see, even Corporate America gets snow days sometimes!

Things Kate and I have done (so far):

Make spiced tea (orange cinnamon tea +  earl grey tea + cloves + cinnamon sticks + lemon slices)

Serve spiced tea with snow ice cream (snow + half and half + vanilla extract + sugar + nutmeg + agave drizzled on top)

Turn the spiced tea into a hot toddy (spiced tea + booze)

Paint nails


Kate worked on her weaving

Sadie loves the snow

The end (as of 4:45pm).  This snow day is far from over.  And I have a closet that needs organizing!

9pm update:  didn't start the closet, but google video chatted with someone special.  3 miles is a short drive when the weather is nice :-/

1 comment:

Josh Moles said...

Looks like some very tasty tea you were having there. Stay warm!